Error message

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History of the School of Psychology

The School of Psychology, AUTh, was founded in the 1993-94 academic year. Despite its relatively short history, Psychology studies in the AUTh School of Philosophy had started quite earlier. More specifically, Psychology was taught as an independent field of study during the 1964-65 academic year and it was established in the school of Philosophy with the inauguration of an official chair of General Psychology in 1965. This position was occupied by Professor Lambros Housiadas, and during the 1972-73 academic year a psychology curriculum was introduced within the School of Psychology and Education. In the 1984-85 academic year, it became a separate department within the School of Philosophy, Education and Psychology, and, eventually became an independent School in 1993. Since then, the School of Psychology has three separate departments, Experimental and Cognitive Psychology, Developmental and School Psychology, and Social and Clinical Psychology, offering high-quality studies at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.